Customizing RapidSpellWeb Layout

It is possible to customize the layout of the spell checker using a HTML template mechanism. This is done by specifying the Layout.Html property with a string of HTML using special tags to indicate the position of the essential spell checker elements. The tags are <PreviewPane/>*, <AddButton/>, <IgnoreButton/>, <IgnoreAllButton/>, <UndoButton>, <FieldDisplayLabel/>, <ChangeButton/>, <ChangeAllButton/>, <FinishButton/>, <ChangeToLabel/>, <ChangeToBox/>*, <SuggestionsLabel/>, <SuggestionsBox/>* - tags marked with * are required for correct functionality.

Code Example With Customized Layout

Page containing the RapidSpellWeb control, note because this has different dimensions you should modify the WindowWidth and WindowHeight properties in the RapidSpellWebLauncher that launches this, to 530 and 250 respectively.

<%@ Page Language="C#"%>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="RapidSpellWeb" Namespace="Keyoti.RapidSpell"
Assembly="Keyoti.RapidSpellWeb" %>
<RapidSpellWeb:RapidSpellWeb id="rapidSpellWeb" runat="server">
    <ChangeToBox Style="font-size:9pt; width:200px"/>
    <SuggestionsBox Style="font-size:9pt; width:200px"/>
    <PreviewPaneStyle Width="200" Height="190"/>
    <Layout Html="
        <table border=0>
        <tr><td colspan=3 bgcolor='#eeeeee'><b>MyCo Spell Checking</b>
        <table border=0><tr><td>

The only restriction is that the special tags must be on a line by themselves.